This was a landmark event in all the ways you pointed out, and the concept of WWF working with any other promotion in that era for inter promotion matches, regardless of the promotion, made it seem like an extra special super card of sorts on that basis alone.

You captured the spirit of the matches great, as always, with your written narrative. I enjoyed the forgotten behind-the-scenes history facts you weaved into the piece too.

Was this ever released in the U.S. as an actual official VHS? Also, do you know if they've ever had it on the WWE network at any point?

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Thank you, appreciate the love!

I don't believe the show ever got any kind of official VHS release or was on the WWE Network. A few individual matches were released on WWF/E VHS and DVD/Blu Rays but that's it.

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First DVD I ever bought when I found tape traders would also be tape sellers if you kept your voice quiet enough. Thanks for the nostalgia trip and navigating the 90s this has been a fun series

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Really fun to be immersed in 1990 wrestling! So many promotions seem to be trying different things to mixed results.

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I'm having a blast exploring it so far. So much happens this year, and as you said, for better or worse.

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